Adding a phone to your profile
Your ZipDX profile can contain up to ten ways to reach you. We think of these as “Phones.” It’s most common that each of these is a traditional telephone number. However, they can also be SIP URIs or SIP devices registered directly with ZipDX.
To Add a Phone to your Profile you must do the following:
- 1. Log into the web portal at
Login & Access Your Profile
- Log into the web portal at using your email address & PIN.
- If you don’t know your PIN you can use our reminder page to have the system email you a reminder message.
- Click on the Profile tab, which appears as shown below.
- Click on the Add a Phone button in the upper right corner.
- Log into the web portal at using your email address & PIN.
- 2. Add a Phone to your profile
Enter The Phone Number
- On the resulting page (shown above) select the Phone Type.
- The default Phone Type (Phone Number) is appropriate for anyone adding a traditional telephone number. For example, an office phone, home phone or mobile phone.
- Additional Phone Types, less commonly used, are available for The Illuminati who grok the inner workings of IP phones and the SIP protocol.
- Enter the Phone Number.
- The system will attempt validate the phone number, displaying its location.
- Give the phone a Nickname – For example, office, home or cell. This makes it easier to identify phones when you have several entered in your profile.
- On the resulting page (shown above) select the Phone Type.
- 3. Setup Auto-ID for this new phone
Setup Auto-ID (if desired)
- Auto-ID is enabled by default for the new phone.
- With Auto-ID enabled the system will use the phone’s Caller-ID to automatically recognize anyone calling into ZipDX from that phone as you.
- If the phone is part of a company phone system (on a PBX) the phone number you entered above may not be the same number that it presents in its Caller-ID.
- It may instead present a generic reception number as Caller-ID.
- If this is the case you should disable Auto-ID.
- You can also disable Auto-ID if you never plan to dial into ZipDX from this phone.
- 4. Setup Call-Me for this new phone
Setup Call-Me
- Call-Me is enabled by default for the new phone.
- Click on the link to show more options to see the various settings available.
- Extension – If someone calling this phone needs to enter an extension to each you please enter the appropriate Optional extension digits in the box provided.
- Delay – The system calls all of your Call-Me numbers at the same time – if desired, you can enter a Delay in seconds to cause the system to pause before calling this number.
- Timeout – The timeout can be used to adjust how long the system will ring this phone.
- The default is 45 seconds.
- Disable acknowledgement – If you are the only person who would answer this phone you can tick the Disable acknowledgement setting. When disabled the system will not prompt you to “press 1 to accept the call.” It will immediately pass you into the scheduled meeting.
Click the big blue Save button to store the new phone settings in your profile.
You’ll be returned to your Profile page where you will see the phone listed, with dots indicating which features are enabled.
To revise the properties for that phone simply click on the telephone number.
- 5. Test the new phone
The final step in setting up a new phone in your ZipDX profile is to verify that it works as expected.
Testing Auto-ID
If you have Auto-ID enabled, simply call your nearest ZipDX access line. If the Caller-ID presented matches the phone number in your profile the system should recognize you, and greet you by name.
If the Caller-ID doesn’t match the system will prompt for your PIN.
Testing Call-Me
It especially important to test the Call-Me functionality if you had to enter optional extension digits in the phone settings.
If you are a meeting organizer you can simply schedule a quick conference to confirm that the system calls you. As the meeting organizer the system should call you, even if noone else is invited.
If you are not a meeting organizer you’ll have to wait until the next time you’re invited to a ZipDX meeting.