Can I schedule playback of a past recording to a new conference?

Q: Can I schedule playback of a past recording to a new conference?
Yes. The archival recording of a past conference can be played into a later conference. The second “playback” conference can be performed on an ad hoc basis for each participant or on a scheduled basis.

Scheduled vs Unscheduled Playback

In an earlier KB article we detailed how to allow conference participants to dial-in to hear a previously recorded briefing. That approach provides for unscheduled playback of the recording any time a participant connects and enters the playback conference code.

It does not provide any way to arrange a scheduled playback for a group. Nor does it support secure access, where playback is only allowed when a participant has a ZipDX PIN.

This article details how to arrange scheduled playback of a prior recording into a new conference. The approach can be varied, offering convenient, insecure access to anyone who has the shared conference code, or secure access, requiring participants to join using their individual PINs.

Warning – This process is a deep dive. It’s best used by people who are already familiar with ZipDX. It requires that you have administrative access to a ZipDX account.

Process Outline

  1. Create a virtual user to used to orchestrate playback of the past recording.
  2. Hold the initial conference and ensure that it is recorded.
  3. Set the past recording to be available for playback at a specific conference code.
  4. Schedule a playback conference, inviting the playback virtual user as a host.


Step 1: Create a virtual user that invokes playback of a recording

Step 1: Create a virtual user that invokes playback of a recording

This portion of the process must be done by someone who had admin right to the account. It need only be done one time – the resulting virtual user can be used repeatedly as desired.

Create Virtual User 01


Create a new Virtual User

  • Log into the ZipDX web portal as usual.
  • Click on the Accounts tab.
  • Click on the Members link.
  • Click on the link that says, “You are authorized to fully register

On the resulting page:

Create Virtual User 02

  • Enter a First Name.
  • Enter a Last Name.
  • For the email address enter something descriptive.
    • The domain portion to the right of the @ will be automatically assigned.
    • We prefer to reference a conference code that will be used to invoke playback, as shown above.
    • The conference code should be 8-12 digits long.
    • For example:
  • Enter a PIN (at least 8 digits)
  • Click on Register to create the virtual user.

The system automatically logs you in as the new virtual user so you can make changes to the profile.

Add A Phone

Create Virtual User 03

  • Click on Add A Phone.
  • In Phone Type select SIP URI.
  • In the SIP URI field enter
    • Where 12345678 is the conference code we’ll use to reference the recording
  • Enter a sensible Nickname. For example; Replay.
  • Tick the option to Disable acknowledgement.
  • Ensure that Call Me is Enabled.
  • Click on Save to store the settings.
  • The summary for the new phone should appear as follows:

Create Virtual User 04

  • In the yellow bar at the top of the screen click on the link to Return to your original, logged-in profile.
Step 2: Record a Conference

Step 2: Record a Conference

This part should be simple enough. A past blog post, Three Way to Record a Conference details how this can be done.

It’s worth noting that you can only invoke playback of one recording. That means you should be careful about making that recording, especially ensuring that the start is clean and immediate.

Each time recording is turned on a new file is created. We recommend that you start the conference with recording OFF initially. This gives your team a chance to get ready to give the presentation.

Only when you are well and truly ready to begin should you start recording. You can do this via the conference dashboard or your telephone keypad.

If you make a mistake and need to restart, turn recording OFF. Then turn it ON again when you’re ready to start again. This will ensure that your second take is a new file.

Step 3: Make the recording available for playback

Step 3: Make the recording available for playback

  • Log into the ZipDX web portal using your email address and PIN or passphrase.
  • Scroll down to the Completed Conferences section of your home page and locate the conference where the recording was created.
  • Click on the Conference Title to revisit the conference details (pictured below.)

Past Call Details Menu

  • In the Recordings section you’ll find a Phone Playback link
    • If recording had been toggled on/off there may be more than one recording offered.
  • Click on Phone Playback for the recording that corresponds to the presentation.
  • The system will create a new conference template from that recording, offering a change to set a few parameters;

  • Give the new template an informative Template Name.
  • A Conference Code is automatically assigned
  • Change the Conference Code to the number referenced by the virtual user’s phone in Step #1, ex 12345678.
  • Optionally – Set the template to expire after a desired number of days.
  • Click Save to store the conference template.
Step 4: Schedule a playback conference

Step 4: Schedule a playback conference

  • Click on the Home tab.
  • Find the conference template called Meeting.
  • Click on the link to Create Conference in that row.
  • Set the desired Time & Date.
  • Set an informative title.

  • In the participants entry box enter the email address for the new virtual user.
  • Click on the + button to add them to the conference.
    • Set the virtual users  Role to Host.
  • If you require ensure secure access to only invited participants, add their email addresses  to the conference.
    • Leave their role as Participant, which is the default.
  • Set Meeting Type to Audio Only.

  • In the Audio Features section:
    • Set Chimes off.
    • Set Waiting Room to Yes, until host arrives.
    • Set Participants hard muted – only a host can unmute.
    • Ensure Host Advanced Start is set to No Advance
  • Click Save to create the conference.

If your participants will join the meeting using a conference code, be sure to distribute the details of this new conference. Be sure to include: the date/time, access numbers and conference code.

At the Scheduled Conference Time

The following sequence of events occurs:

  • Participants who dial in up to 10 minutes early are placed in the waiting room pending the arrival of the host.
  • At the scheduled conference start time ZipDX dials out to the virtual users “Phone.”
  • The recording associated with that phone begins to play.
  • Any participants in the waiting room are moved to the main room where they hear the recording playing.
  • The recording plays until it finishes, which causes the host connection to hang-up.
  • Presumably most of the remaining participants disconnect when the recording ends.
  • Any stragglers remain connected until 10 minutes after the host has disconnected, when the entire conference ends.


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