Can I broadcast an announcement to all of the breakout rooms?

Can I broadcast an announcement to all of the breakout rooms?
A:  Yes! If the conference is set to use expanded breakout rooms you can move to the broadcast room (#47) and address participants in all of the breakout rooms.

Room #47: The Broadcast Room

Annoucement-MicrophoneWhen expanded breakout rooms are enabled the system adds an additional special purpose room. Room #47 is a special purpose room, dedicated to making broadcast announcements to everyone in the various breakout rooms.

When a participant moves into room #47 they hear a prompt advising that they are, “Broadcasting audio to all sub-conferences.” While in that room whatever they say is heard in all of the breakout rooms.

If just one host moves to the broadcast room they hear nothing, but what they say is heard by participants in breakout rooms #1-46.

If two or most hosts move to the broadcast room they can hear each other. Their conversation will be heard in breakout rooms #1-46.

These broadcasts are not heard in the main room or the waiting room.

The broadcast room (#47) is only available when expanded breakouts are enabled.

If a conference organizer requires this functionality across a smaller group of breakout rooms, they can can simply enable expanded breakouts and ignore the rooms that they don’t actually need.

Note that expanded breakout rooms are included in the basic cost of a ZipDX conference.