Step #6: Making A Test Call

Step #6: Making A Test Call

Logitech HeadsetIf you are using Chrome to view this web page you can conduct a test call to experience Zipline 3.0 for yourself. There are four goals in making this test call:

  1. Tell Chrome to allow Zipline 3.0 access to the microphone
  2. Verify proper network connectivity to ZipDX servers
  3. Confirm that you can hear the call in your headset
  4. Ensure that Chrome is using the correct microphone

Before you make that initial test call it’s helpful to know in advance how you will be prompted by the browser, and how to respond in each case.

1. Allow Microphone Access

When Zipline 3.0 opens in a new browser window it requests access to the microphone. Chrome will initially prompt you to ask if this should be allowed. Click on the Allow button.

webphone seeking permissions

Chrome remembers this decision, so you will not be prompted again when accessing Zipline 3.0 on this computer.

2. Confirm Network Connectivity & Audio Playback

Once connected to the ZipDX demo service you should hear a brief welcome announcement, followed by a recorded NPR story. If you don’t hear anything at all check the status indication at the bottom of the web phone.


If it indicates something other than “connected” there is a problem with your local network. Something is blocking connectivity to the ZipDX servers.

You will need to enlist the help of local IT support to allow SIP connections to ZipDX. You won’t be able to use Zipline until this matter is resolved.

If the status is shown as connected but you don’t hear the playback in your headset use the speaker pull-down menu to select your headset as the audio playback device.


If your headset is not explicitly listed (as pictured above) try different options until you hear the sound in your headset.

Once you do hear the NPR story in your headset you can proceed to check the microphone setting.

3. Confirm Correct Microphone Selection

When connected to the demo service the Zipline 3.0 user interface is very simple.webphone UI basics

The line to the right of the microphone icon is a voice activity meter. It should be animated, moving as you speak. There’s also a volume control that allows you to reduce the volume in your headset.

There’s a link labeled show keypad. Click on this to reveal a standard telephone-style dial pad.


Click on the 9 button to invoke an echo test. This will help you confirm that your headset microphone is the one actually in use.

You’ll hear a brief announcement, then your voice will be echo’d back to you slightly delayed.

Tap firmly on your headset microphone. If you hear the tapping returned as loud, clear thumps then you know that the headset microphone is active. You can hang up the test call.

If you don’t hear the tapping returned as loud, clear thumps then a different microphone is in use. You need to change which microphone Chrome will use.

4. Changing The Active Microphone

To select a different microphone you must first click the Hangup button. You may be prompted to be certain that you wish to hangup the call.

Once disconnected you can use the microphone pull-down menu to select a different microphone. Select the one that corresponds to your headset.


If you have an analog headset the appropriate device may be listed as merely “Default” or “Microphone.” If you have a USB-attached headset it should be listed by name, as was the case with the VXi Envoy Office, pictured above.

Once you’ve selected a different microphone click on the Call button to rejoin the test call.

Revisit the prior step, pressing 9 to start the echo test, then tapping on your microphone to confirm that the headset microphone is the one actively in use by Chrome.

5. Make The Test Call

Launch a test call! Now that you know what is supposed to happen, and what you need to do, click the large blue button to make the test call.

When the Web Phone window opens please go through the steps outlined above. Once you have successfully completed a test call press the Hangup button to end the call.

The next step in this tutorial will show you how to join a live training call once one has been arranged.