Call Recording

Business Issue/Requirement

There are many reasons business people need to record a conference call: to play it back for absent colleagues; use the material for training or review; legal requirements; or to generate a call transcript. The recording needs to be available with the highest possible audio quality, and readily accessible to those who need it, while remaining in a secure format that will protect your company’s privacy.

ZipDX Feature

A host can choose to record any ZipDX conference or portions of it for later playback. The recording is done in wideband MP3 format and compressed to generate a compact file. Any conference participants connecting in wideband will be heard with full fidelity in the playback.

The host can enable recording by selecting it from the list of conference features, by selecting it within a conference template for any conferences of that type, or by turning it on during a call using the phone dialpad or ZipDX dashboard.

Recordings can be streamed from, downloaded and saved as MP3 files, or shared via an E-mailed link. By default, files are initially available only to the host, so the host controls the distribution of the file.

Use This Feature

The host has a few options for call recording: activate recording during the call; turn the recording feature on for a specific conference at the time of scheduling; or enable it in a conference template, in which case all conferences subsequently scheduled using that template will be automatically recorded.

To activate the recording function during a call, dialing *951; and stop it by dialing *950. Recording can be toggled on and off during the call; this will result in multiple recording files or “chapters. ” Each chapter is labeled with its start time. When the recording function is on, the host can start a new chapter by simply dialing *951 again.

Within minutes of the conference ending, the host can log in to and access the recordings in the Completed Conferences section, either by clicking on the specific conference title, or by clicking the “View Recordings” link in the Completed Conferences title bar.

Click the “Listen/Download” link and from the new window you can stream the audio (provided that your desktop audio player is configured for streaming playback), or download and save the file on your computer (by right-clicking the file name and choosing “Save Target As…”).

You can also share the recording with others without having to save and E-mail the large file(s). First, from the Completed Conference page, toggle the “Access” setting for the recordings to “Shareable. ” Then click on “Share” to access and copy the sharing link. Paste that shortcut into an E-mail and send it to whomever you want to share the recording with; the recipient(s) can then click on the link and play or download the file.

Your recordings are saved on the ZipDX web site and archived for safe-keeping. You can delete a recording from ZipDX by clicking on the associated “Delete” link (this will delete the archived file as well and it will not be recoverable). Account Administrators can set minimum and maximum retention periods for recordings.