For notes about when the conference dashboard becomes available and who has access, please see Dashboard 101: An Introduction to the Conference Dashboard.
This section lists everyone connected to the conference. It also list everyone who was invited but is not connected.
Several tabs across the top of the participants list control what you see; All Participants, only Active participants, a callback list of those who have disconnected.
- 1. List View Tabs
1. List View Tabs
Several different “views” of the participant list are available, offered as a set of tabs at the top of the list.
- All Participants: X – This, the default view, shows all the participants connected to the conference, including a numeric count. It also displays those who were invited, but have not yet connected.
- Active: X – Shows only those participants who are actively talking. ZipDX will automatically switch to the Active view when the number of connected participants is greater than 20.
- Callback – Shows a list of participants who were disconnected. If the system has sufficient information to reach the participant a Host can click on the participant name to access a dial-out option.
- Stats – Shows a variety of items of information about the conference.
- 2. Rooms / Channels
2. Rooms / Channels
When breakout rooms are being used that dashboard shows some information about the distribution of participants.
In the case of a multilingual conference, the dashboard displays the distribution of participants across the various language channels.
- 3. Sorting Participants
3. Sorting Participants
The column headings across the top of the participant list allow the list to be sorted in various ways.
- Name – Toggles sorting between alphabetical or time-of-arrival.
- Hand – Sorts participants who have their “hand” raised, in the order that they raised their hands.
- Audio – Sorts the participants making sound to the top.
- Room – Sorts by breakout room number (or language channel in a multilingual conference.)
- 4. Participants List
4. Participant List
Each participant appears as a one line entry in the participant list.
Each entry may include the following (from left-to-right):
- The gold star indicates a conference Host.
- An icon indicating connection type:
- Traditional land-line.
- Mobile phone.
- Web Phone.
- SIP connection.
- An icon indicating web sharing status:
- Web share presenter.
- Viewing the web share.
- Participant Name (Company) or Caller ID
- Participant’s hand: Raised or Lowered
- Participant’s audio: Speaking (noisy) or Silent
- Participant’s vote status (if any.)
- Participant’s room or language channel (if any.)
Participants who were invited, but have not yet connected, are shown at the bottom of the list.
- 5. Participant Settings
5. Participant Settings
If a conference participant has access to the dashboard they can click on their name and see a pop-up menu with a handful of options available.
- Raise/lower hand.
- Mute/unmute microphone.
- Vote.
- Change room (or language in a multilingual conference.)
- Play Name – Plays the recorded name for the participant – heard only by the participant.
- Disconnect.
Conference participants can only impact their own engagement in the conference. They have no access to controls for any other participant.
- 6.Participant Settings Available to a Host
6. Participant Settings Available to a Host
A conference host can click on the name of any participant to reveal a pop-up menu of possible actions.
- Hand:
- Call On – Temporarily unmutes participant so they can speak.
- Lower Hand – Clears hand raised indication & returns participant to muted.
- Raise Hand – Sets dashboard hand raised indication so that hosts can see the participant wants to speak.
- Mute:
- Soft mute – Participant can unmute themselves using *6.
- Hard mute – Only host can unmute participant.
- Unmute
- Volume – Adjusts the volume of the participant heard by everyone in the conference.
- Vote – Reset or option 1-9
- Room – Moves the participant to a breakout room (or a different language channel in a multilingual conference.)
- Play Name – Offered when the host is connected to the conference audio, plays the participant’s name to the Host. Is not heard by anyone else.
- Disconnect Participant.
- Rename – Changes the name and company name shown in the dashboard.
- Make Host – Elevates the selected participant to Host, so they can help moderate the conference.
- Hand:
- Dashboard 101: An Introduction to the Conference Dashboard
- Dashboard 201: Host Controls
- Dashboard 202: Participant List
- Dashboard 203: Activity Display
- Dashboard 204: Text Chat
- Is there a way to lookup someone I need added to a conference in progress?
- Is there any way to have live operator assistance available?
- Can I dial out to someone to add them to my conference?