The following outlines a typical live training call for interprets getting started using ZipDX. The presumption is that the training consists of two or three interpreters, all working the same language pair (e.g., English-Spanish). One takes a turn playing the role of the interpreter, while the other(s) acts as a monolingual (Spanish) participant, with the trainer speaking English.
If desired, the training can include two or three pairs of interpreters (EN<>FR, EN<>ES, EN<>IT for example). In such cases the series of topics is adjusted to address relay interpretation earlier. Alternatively, the language pairs can be exercised one a time, with only a single interpreter doing interpretation at any point during the initial training/demo.
PREREQUISITE: Interpreters must have completed and verified all the interpreter set-up steps detailed in the Getting Starting Guide.
- Accessing Web Tools
- Log into via Chrome
- Launch WebPhone
- Launch Dashboard
- Verify Audio
- Microphone & Headphone Selection
- Audio Quality
- Platform Overview
- Analogous to Multichannel Audio System in Auditorium
- Identification of Language Channels on Dashboard & WebPhone
- If >2 languages, Primary & Relay Channel Selection in WebPhone
- WebPhone Controls (Virtual Interpreter Console)
- Muting (Cough Button)
- Interp Off / On
- Direction Selection
- Practice Interpretation
- Q&A between two participants
- Dashboard Display
Dashboard Display
- Who’s Talking
- Channel Indicators
- Role of the Moderator
- Conversational vs. Lecture modes
- Chat Box
- Partner Handoff
- Dashboard Controls
Dashboard Controls
- Volume Adjust
- Channel Selection
- Talkthru & Feedback Settings
- Problem Solving
- Most common issue: Wrong direction
- Understanding the Microphone Meter
- “Internet Trouble” indication
- Closing all Chrome windows & restarting
- Advanced Interpreting
Advanced Interpreting
- Use of MONIT function
- Clock
- Review of Primary and Relay channels
- Practice Performing Relay Interpretation
- For Interpreters That Will Also Organize ZipDX Meetings
For Interpreters That Will Also Organize ZipDX Meetings:
Set up sample multilingual template to suit most common needs for this interpreter, and review:
- How to schedule a meeting (date / time / key features) (reference available .info pages)
- Including interpreters with interpreter role in participant list
- How to notify participants
- Best practices: Advance Start, sound check