Can I have more than ten breakout rooms?

Can I have more breakout rooms?
A:  Yes! By default every ZipDX conference provides 10 private rooms. However, it is possible to have up to 50 rooms.

The following presumes basic knowledge of using breakout rooms on a ZipDX conference.

Invoking Expanded Breakout Rooms

Within a conference template there is a parameter labeled “Multilingual/Rooms.” This setting defines how many rooms are available to the conference. The default setting is “Monolingual / 10 Rooms.”

Selecting Expanded Breakout Rooms

Changing the setting to “Monolingual / 50 Rooms” invokes expanded breakout room functionality.

For a one-time event this setting can be changed in the process of creating a conference.

It can also be saved into a new conference template so going forward you have a template preset to offer extended breakout rooms.

This expanded breakout room capability is included in the base rate. There is no additional charge for its use.

Comparing Normal vs Expanded Breakout Rooms

In both cases several rooms are assigned to special functions. The default setting of 10 rooms includes; 7 general purpose breakout rooms and 3 room dedicated to special functions.

Comparing Normal vs Extended Breakout Rooms
Multilingual / Rooms Setting:Monolingual / 10 RoomsMonolingual / 50 Rooms
Main Conference Room:Room #0Room #0
Private Sub-conference Rooms:Rooms #1-7Rooms #1-46
Announcement Room:N/ARoom #47
One-Way-Glass:Room #8Room #48
Waiting Room:Room #9Room #49

When expanded breakouts are enabled you have 46 general purpose breakout rooms and 4 rooms reserved for special functions.