When is it appropriate to use a multilingual conference call?

Q: When is it appropriate to use a multilingual conference call?
A: A multilingual conference is appropriate when you need to have a high-value discussion involving participants who speak different languages.

A multilingual conference call is uniquely able to facilitate productive conversation between parties who speak different languages. A professional interpreter delivering simultaneous interpretation ensures the most productive use of time while avoiding ambiguities or misunderstandings.

Multilingual conference calls tend to work best with more formal meetings. The structure of a formal board or committee meetings ensures a suitable pace and flow suitable for interpretation.

Multilingual conferences are special events. Beyond simply booking interpreters, organizing such conferences requires planning. The effort is justified when the business at hand has significant value, and positively requires clarity of communication.

Here are a few examples of real-world use cases for multilingual conferencing:

  • International non-governmental organizations
  • International governmental engagement
    • Texas Commission on Environmental Quality hold English/Spanish meetings with their counterparts in Mexico
  • Governmental activities in Canada where accessibility in English/French is mandated
  • Hospitals briefing non-English speaking patients about health care matters
  • International trade organizations board & committee meetings
  • International corporate operations
    • A Canadian firm with mining operations in South America routinely holds English/Spanish meetings