Web Configuration

ZipDX Direct needs to be able to associate your telephone with your ZipDX profile. It does this by means of your telephone serial number. Assuming your PHONE has already been configured for ZipDX Direct (see next section), here’s what you need to do on the Web:

¨  Register yourself at www.zipdx.com, if you are not already registered. Follow the instructions on the screen to “sign up” – ZipDX will send you an E-mail (to verify your E-mail address) and direct you to click on a link contained in the E-mail, which will take you to your Profile page. Complete the profile and SAVE your inputs.

¨  Now that you are registered, select the Profile tab. Choose the Add-A-Phone link, and on that page, select “Zip IP Phone” as the Phone Type. In the box, fill in your phone’s Serial Number (identical to its MAC address, a 12-digit hex value). Mark this as BOTH a dial-in and call-me phone. SAVE that entry.

¨  Hopefully you have one or more other phone numbers configured in your ZipDX profile (perhaps your mobile phone and/or landline). You can select one of these to be the outgoing caller-ID to use when you make ZipDX direct calls.

¨  Make sure an Account is shown in the “Account” field. If no account is selected, you will not be able to originate ZipDX Direct calls from this phone.

Be sure to SAVE your profile when you are done entering all the information. Within a few minutes, the display on your phone should update to show your name and any scheduled conferences.