The Tech-Savvy Interpreter Profiles ZipDX Multilingual

Tech SavvyInterpreter on ChromebookIt’s magical to hear professional interpreters at work. Skilled professional interpreters provide the linguistic glue than can bind a global organization. They provide connections across what would otherwise be a vast cultural chasm.

Interpreters study various topics, achieving a grasp of the subject area where they may work. That may be diplomatic matters, business, medical or legal arenas, in addition to learning those skills specific to interpretation.

As a professor at The Middlebury Institute for International Studies, Barry Slaughter-Olsen is engaged in training a new generation of language professionals. As the co-President of Interpret America, he’s also a driving force in the community of professional interpreters.

It happens that Barry is also GM of Multilingual Operations here at ZipDX. His vast experience, both as an interpreter and instructor, helped guide the development of our multilingual conferencing capability.

Barry remains a leader in the field, writing a regular column called, “The Tech Savvy Interpreter.” This column appears monthly in The Toolbox Journal, a specialty newsletter for language professionals. In writing this column Barry works to expose the interpreter community to new tools and services that may impact their trade.

In recent months The Tech-Savvy Interpreter has leapt beyond the printed page and static screen, creating a new series of videos highlighting some of the interesting new technologies available to interpreters. This month’s episode features a profile of ZipDX multilingual conference calling.

Interpreter’s will likely find the entire video informative. Others may wish to skip ahead to 7:43 where he shows a live example of a multilingual conference call in English & Spanish.

While ZipDX multilingual was launched in 2010, few organizations realize that it’s possible to deliver simultaneous interpretation (SI) over-the-phone. The common wisdom is that SI is only possible when all participants are at the same location. Thus tedious, consecutive interpretation still dominates the business of interpreting via telephone.

Hopefully, by exposing new services to the community of professional interpreters, they will be able to educate their clients about the availability and benefits of SI. In the end we hope that simultaneous interpretation can come to be used whenever people require an interpreter to conduct their business.


If you have questions about any aspect of ZipDX please contact our support team at:

We’re here to help you get down to business.

Posted in: Multilingual

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