Scribble Application Brief – Expert Networking
Adding Real Value with Artificial Intelligence
Striving to differentiate itself from other service providers, Experts-R-Us (ERU) includes the ZipDX Scribble feature as an integral part of its ERU Premium tier of service.
ERU clients are scrambling to gain industry and financial insights; their analysts need to be as efficient as possible. It can be a struggle to take accurate notes while trying to focus on an expert interview, where time is always limited. After the meeting, delivering a 100% accurate report to colleagues and bosses can be elusive, even if an audio recording is available – it takes too long to locate and replay relevant passages.
With ERU Premium Notes, ERU clients can access a written transcript of the interview (pictured above) as soon as the meeting ends. A unique viewing tool lets the analyst scan quickly through the conversation to reference the most salient passages. She clicks to highlight the questions and responses; another click extracts not just the selected text, but the corresponding audio as well. She can distill a one-hour interview down to the most compelling four minutes to share with the rest of her team, saving everybody hours.
Traditionally, transcribing a phone call demanded a compromise of some kind: you could wait several days for an accurate transcript for which you’d pay dearly; or you could get something quick and cheap that was full of errors.
Today, with advances in artificial intelligence, it is possible to have an amazingly accurate transcript available as soon as the conversation is over. It is still true that if the audio quality is poor or a participant speaks with a heavy accent, accuracy will suffer. But a grossly inaccurate transcript is now the exception rather than the norm.
The cost is low enough that ERU decided to bundle ZipDX Scribble with every interview for their Premium tier clients. If an interview doesn’t go particularly well, the transcript may never be referenced. But when an expert blows it out of the park, the transcript is invaluable. The analyst – and ERU – are instant heroes.
For clients designated to receive this valuable feature, the ERU team marks the analyst as the “Owner” of the meeting when it is scheduled in ZipDX. When the conversation is over, ZipDX automatically emails a link to the analyst, giving them full access to the transcript and associated tools.
ZipDX encourages partners to trial Scribble with their clients determine how to incorporate it into their offerings. ZipDX rebates the charges for these demos.
Posted in: Good Ideas
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